This shore tour is not yet available for purchase. Specific details for this program are not yet finalized and the tour elements are subject to change. An email announcement will be sent to all group members when the tour is open for sale

Located upon one of many hills mid-way between the nearby mountains of the sierra and the shining white towns and villages of the coast, Jerez, Spain is where Sherry wines share the stage with other age-old symbols of the city, such as flamenco and horse breeding. Locals here say that you can’t possibly understand Sherry wines without first understanding the food. For them it’s all about the food and the wine provide an ideal pairing. Today you'll sample both from an area know for its cuisine!

Your visit to Jerez will include visits to two wine bodegas, including one of a growing number of wineries focusing its production on red wines and the other producing some of the finest sherry wines in the region.