Mâcon (Beaune)

The pace of life is decidedly more relaxed in Burgundy, where endless rows of grapes hang heavy on the vine. The capital of the region's wine trade, Beaune, is renowned for its history, beauty and highly prized wine, as well as its medieval-era hospital - the Hospices de Beaune. Founded as a charitable institution by the duke's chancellor in 1443, the hospital became a model for charitable giving in southern France, one with a unique fundraising tradition that continues today. Over the centuries, the hospice monks were given wine and vineyards, and they began selling the wines at auction in order to support their charitable work. The wine auction is now world-famous. Located in the southernmost part of Burgundy, Mâcon, a Saône River port, is your gateway to Beaune.

  • Mâcon (Beaune), France